The Helmert transformation

In this set of exercises we investigate the Helmert Transformation and some of its properties. The Helmert transformation covers a wide range of configurations, from simple translations of coordinates to the fully-fledged spatiotemporal transformation. Consult Wikipedia and Helmert transform for in-depth technical details on the transformation.

The Helmert transformation works on geocentric, cartesian coordinates. See the Coordinate conversions exercise for more info. In this exercise all coordinates are already given as cartesian coordinates, so you only need to focus on the actual transformation setup.

Download the gie file for the exercise: helmert.gie.

1. Simple coordinate translation

The most basic application of the Helmert transformation is a translation of the x-, y- and z-components of the coordinate. This is rarely a good fit for large areas but locally a 3 parameter Helmert shift can be very effective. Even though the 3 parameter translation doesn't fit particularly well in large areas of use it is still commonly used between legacy and modern systems. In this exercise we will use a transformation between ED50 in Italy (Sardinia) and WGS84.


You can find the transformations parameters by running the following command:

projinfo -o WKT2_2019 -k operation EPSG:1142

which returns the WKT2 definition of the transformation.


Remember that the input to the Helmert transform is cartesian geocentric coordinates (x, y z).


See Helmert transform to find out how to set up the transformation

operation   <your answer here>
tolerance   1 m

accept      4826177.7574   4049643.9762   991162.2529  # Sardinia (40N, 9E)
expect      4826080.7574   4049540.9762   991042.2529

2. Translation and rotation

For larger areas it is not enough to just rely on translation of coordinates. In that case the solution is to include rotations of the axes and a scale adjustment. The rotational aspect of the transformation is handled by a set of three rotation matrices. Two conventions for the application of the rotations are in common use: Position Vector and Coordinate Frame. In this exercise we will using Position Vector. See the PROJ documentation on the Helmert transformation for further detail.


You can find the transformations parameters by running the following command:

projinfo -o WKT2_2019 -k operation EPSG:1626


Remember to specify the rotation convention with +convention

operation   <your answer here>
tolerance   1 m

accept      3496723.5936    743251.5442  5264442.2361
expect      3496639.7297    743156.3657  5264324.9341

3. Position vector/Coordinate frame

Effectively, the difference between the two rotation conventions is the sign of the rotation parameters. In this exercise we will examine this property by looking at a transformation between the German DHDN reference system and ETRS89.

First find the parameters for the EPSG:1309 transformation. In 3a below, enter the parameters as reported by projinfo (using the coordinate frame convention). Adapt the parameters to the position vector convention in 3b.


You can find the transformations parameters by running the following command:

projinfo -o WKT2_2019 -k operation EPSG:1309
* 3a:
operation   <your answer here> +convention=coordinate_frame

accept      4067886.6403    571704.1839  4862789.0376
expect      4068519.1921    571728.6671  4863239.3787

* 3b:
operation   <your answer here> +convention=position_vector
tolerance 1 m

accept      4067886.6403    571704.1839  4862789.0376
expect      4068519.1921    571728.6671  4863239.3787

4. Kinematic transformation between ITRF2008 and ITRF2014

The Helmert transformation also exists in a kinematic, or spatiotemporal, version. This takes the evolution of a coordinate reference system over time into account as well. This is done by pivoting about a reference epoch. The 14-parameter spatiotemporal Helmert is used when super high accuracy transformations are needed. A good example of such a use case is transformations between various realizations of ITRS and ETRS89. In this exercise we look at the transformation from ITRF2008 to ITRF2014.


You can find the transformations parameters by running the following command:

projinfo -o WKT2_2019 -s ITRF2008 -t ITRF2014

which returns the WKT2 definition of the transformation.


Not all parameters need to be set.


Pay attention to the units of the parameters output by projinfo, you may have to convert them to standard units (e.g. mm -> m).


Note that the coordinates in the test now also includes a time tag in the form of a decimalyear - This is always needed when doing spatiotemporal transformations in PROJ. The time tag is the observation time of the coordinate. Note that the time component of the coordinate is never affected by the transformation.

operation   <your answer here>
tolerance   1 mm

accept      2952736.3768   1360917.6894  5468849.5615       2019.5
expect      2952736.3744   1360917.6871  5468849.5586       2019.5