Communication channels
Mailing list
Users and developers of the library are using the mailing list to discuss all things related to PROJ. The mailing list is the primary forum for asking for help with use of PROJ. The mailing list is also used for announcements, discussions about the development of the library and from time to time interesting discussions on geodesy appear as well. You are more than welcome to join in on the discussions!
The PROJ mailing list can be found at
GitHub is the development platform we use for collaborating on the PROJ code. We use GitHub to keep track of the changes in the code and to index bug reports and feature requests. We are happy to take contributions in any form, either as code, bug reports, documentation or feature requests. See Contributing for more info on how you can help improve PROJ.
The PROJ GitHub page can be found at
The issue tracker on GitHub is only meant to keep track of bugs, feature request and other things related to the development of PROJ. Please ask your questions about the use of PROJ on the mailing list instead.
Gitter is the instant messaging alternative to the mailing list. PROJ has a room under the OSGeo organization. Most of the core developers stop by from time to time for an informal chat. You are more than welcome to join the discussion.
The Gitter room can be found at