
Threading contexts

PJ_CONTEXT *proj_context_create(void)

Create a new threading-context.


a new context

PJ_CONTEXT *proj_context_clone(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx)

Added in version 7.2.

Create a new threading-context based on an existing context.


a new context

void proj_context_destroy(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx)

Deallocate a threading-context.


Transformation setup

The objects returned by the functions defined in this section have minimal interaction with the functions of the C API for ISO-19111 functionality, and vice versa. See its introduction paragraph for more details.

PJ *proj_create(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *definition)

Create a transformation object, or a CRS object, from:

Example call:

PJ *P = proj_create(0, "+proj=etmerc +lat_0=38 +lon_0=125 +ellps=bessel");

If a proj-string contains a +type=crs option, then it is interpreted as a CRS definition. In particular geographic CRS are assumed to have axis in the longitude, latitude order and with degree angular unit. The use of proj-string to describe a CRS is discouraged. It is a legacy means of conveying CRS descriptions: use of object codes (EPSG:XXXX typically) or WKT description is recommended for better expressivity.

If a proj-string does not contain +type=crs, then it is interpreted as a coordination operation / transformation.

If creation of the transformation object fails, the function returns 0 and the PROJ error number is updated. The error number can be read with proj_errno() or proj_context_errno().

The returned PJ-pointer should be deallocated with proj_destroy().

  • ctx (PJ_CONTEXT *) -- Threading context.

  • definition (const char*) -- Proj-string of the desired transformation.

PJ *proj_create_argv(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int argc, char **argv)

Create a transformation object, or a CRS object, with argc/argv-style initialization. For this application each parameter in the defining proj-string is an entry in argv.

Example call:

char *args[3] = {"proj=utm", "zone=32", "ellps=GRS80"};
PJ* P = proj_create_argv(0, 3, args);

If there is a type=crs argument, then the arguments are interpreted as a CRS definition. In particular geographic CRS are assumed to have axis in the longitude, latitude order and with degree angular unit.

If there is no type=crs argument, then it is interpreted as a coordination operation / transformation.

If creation of the transformation object fails, the function returns 0 and the PROJ error number is updated. The error number can be read with proj_errno() or proj_context_errno().

The returned PJ-pointer should be deallocated with proj_destroy().

  • ctx (PJ_CONTEXT *) -- Threading context.

  • argc (int) -- Count of arguments in argv

  • argv (char **) -- Array of strings with proj-string parameters, e.g. +proj=merc


PJ *

PJ *proj_create_crs_to_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *source_crs, const char *target_crs, PJ_AREA *area)

Create a transformation object that is a pipeline between two known coordinate reference systems.

source_crs and target_crs can be :

  • a "AUTHORITY:CODE", like EPSG:25832. When using that syntax for a source CRS, the created pipeline will expect that the values passed to proj_trans() respect the axis order and axis unit of the official definition ( so for example, for EPSG:4326, with latitude first and longitude next, in degrees). Similarly, when using that syntax for a target CRS, output values will be emitted according to the official definition of this CRS.

  • a PROJ string, like "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84". When using that syntax, the axis order and unit for geographic CRS will be longitude, latitude, and the unit degrees.

  • the name of a CRS as found in the PROJ database, e.g "WGS84", "NAD27", etc.

  • more generally any string accepted by proj_create() representing a CRS

Starting with PROJ 9.2, source_crs (exclusively) or target_crs can be a CoordinateMetadata with an associated coordinate epoch.

Starting with PROJ 9.4, both source_crs and target_crs can be a CoordinateMetadata with an associated coordinate epoch, to perform changes of coordinate epochs. Note however than this is in practice limited to use of velocity grids inside the same dynamic CRS.

An "area of use" can be specified in area. When it is supplied, the more accurate transformation between two given systems can be chosen.

When no area of use is specific and several coordinate operations are possible depending on the area of use, this function will internally store those candidate coordinate operations in the return PJ object. Each subsequent coordinate transformation done with proj_trans() will then select the appropriate coordinate operation by comparing the input coordinates with the area of use of the candidate coordinate operations.

Example call:

PJ *P = proj_create_crs_to_crs(0, "EPSG:25832", "EPSG:25833", 0);

If creation of the transformation object fails, the function returns 0 and the PROJ error number is updated. The error number can be read with proj_errno() or proj_context_errno().

The returned PJ-pointer should be deallocated with proj_destroy().

  • ctx (PJ_CONTEXT *) -- Threading context.

  • source_crs (const char*) -- Source CRS or CoordinateMetadata.

  • target_crs (const char*) -- Destination SRS or CoordinateMetadata

  • area (PJ_AREA *) -- Descriptor of the desired area for the transformation.


PJ *

PJ *proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ *source_crs, PJ *target_crs, PJ_AREA *area, const char *const *options)

Added in version 6.2.0.

Create a transformation object that is a pipeline between two known coordinate reference systems.

This is the same as proj_create_crs_to_crs() except that the source and target CRS are passed as PJ* objects which must be of the CRS variety.

Starting with PROJ 9.2, source_crs (exclusively) or target_crs can be a CoordinateMetadata with an associated coordinate epoch.

Starting with PROJ 9.4, both source_crs and target_crs can be a CoordinateMetadata with an associated coordinate epoch, to perform changes of coordinate epochs. Note however than this is in practice limited to use of velocity grids inside the same dynamic CRS.

  • options -- a list of NUL terminated options, or NULL.

The list of supported options is:

  • AUTHORITY=name: to restrict the authority of coordinate operations looked up in the database. When not specified, coordinate operations from any authority will be searched, with the restrictions set in the authority_to_authority_preference database table related to the authority of the source/target CRS themselves. If authority is set to any, then coordinate operations from any authority will be searched. If authority is a non-empty string different of any, then coordinate operations will be searched only in that authority namespace (e.g EPSG).

  • ACCURACY=value: to set the minimum desired accuracy (in metres) of the candidate coordinate operations.

  • ALLOW_BALLPARK=YES/NO: can be set to NO to disallow the use of Ballpark transformation in the candidate coordinate operations.

  • ONLY_BEST=YES/NO: (PROJ >= 9.2) Can be set to YES to cause PROJ to error out if the best transformation, known of PROJ, and usable by PROJ if all grids known and usable by PROJ were accessible, cannot be used. Best transformation should be understood as the transformation returned by proj_get_suggested_operation() if all known grids were accessible (either locally or through network). Note that the default value for this option can be also set with the PROJ_ONLY_BEST_DEFAULT environment variable, or with the only_best_default setting of proj.ini (the ONLY_BEST option when specified overrides such default value).

  • FORCE_OVER=YES/NO: can be set to YES to force the +over flag on the transformation returned by this function. See Longitude Wrapping

PJ *proj_normalize_for_visualization(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Returns a PJ* object whose axis order is the one expected for visualization purposes.

The input object must be either:

  • a coordinate operation, that has been created with proj_create_crs_to_crs(). If the axis order of its source or target CRS is northing,easting, then an axis swap operation will be inserted.

  • or a CRS. The axis order of geographic CRS will be longitude, latitude [,height], and the one of projected CRS will be easting, northing [, height]

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS, or CoordinateOperation created with proj_create_crs_to_crs() (must not be NULL)


a new PJ* object to free with proj_destroy() in case of success, or nullptr in case of error

PJ *proj_destroy(PJ *P)

Deallocate a PJ transformation object.

  • P (const PJ *) -- Transformation object


PJ *

Area of interest

Added in version 6.0.0.

PJ_AREA *proj_area_create(void)

Create an area of use.

Such an area of use is to be passed to proj_create_crs_to_crs() to specify the area of use for the choice of relevant coordinate operations.


PJ_AREA * to be deallocated with proj_area_destroy()

void proj_area_set_bbox(PJ_AREA *area, double west_lon_degree, double south_lat_degree, double east_lon_degree, double north_lat_degree)

Set the bounding box of the area of use

Such an area of use is to be passed to proj_create_crs_to_crs() to specify the area of use for the choice of relevant coordinate operations.

In the case of an area of use crossing the antimeridian (longitude +/- 180 degrees), west_lon_degree will be greater than east_lon_degree.

  • area -- Pointer to an object returned by proj_area_create().

  • west_lon_degree -- West longitude, in degrees. In [-180,180] range.

  • south_lat_degree -- South latitude, in degrees. In [-90,90] range.

  • east_lon_degree -- East longitude, in degrees. In [-180,180] range.

  • north_lat_degree -- North latitude, in degrees. In [-90,90] range.

void proj_area_destroy(PJ_AREA *area)

Deallocate a PJ_AREA object.

:param PJ_AREA* area

Coordinate transformation

PJ_COORD proj_trans(PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, PJ_COORD coord)

Transform a single PJ_COORD coordinate.

If the input coordinate contains any NaNs you are guaranteed to get a coordinate with all NaNs as a result.

Changed in version 9.2.0: Define NaN handling. Prior NaN handling behavior was undefined.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Transformation direction.

  • coord (PJ_COORD) -- Coordinate that will be transformed.



PJ *proj_trans_get_last_used_operation(PJ *P)

Added in version 9.1.0.

Return the operation used during the last invocation of proj_trans(). This is especially useful when P has been created with proj_create_crs_to_crs() and has several alternative operations. The returned object must be freed with proj_destroy().

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object


PJ *

size_t proj_trans_generic(PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, double *x, size_t sx, size_t nx, double *y, size_t sy, size_t ny, double *z, size_t sz, size_t nz, double *t, size_t st, size_t nt)

Transform a series of coordinates, where the individual coordinate dimension may be represented by an array that is either

  1. fully populated

  2. a null pointer and/or a length of zero, which will be treated as a fully populated array of zeroes

  3. of length one, i.e. a constant, which will be treated as a fully populated array of that constant value


Even though the coordinate components are named x, y, z and t, axis ordering of the to and from CRS is respected. Transformations exhibit the same behavior as if they were gathered in a PJ_COORD struct.

The strides, sx, sy, sz, st, represent the step length, in bytes, between consecutive elements of the corresponding array. This makes it possible for proj_trans_generic() to handle transformation of a large class of application specific data structures, without necessarily understanding the data structure format, as in:

typedef struct {
    double x, y;
    int quality_level;
    char surveyor_name[134];

XYQS survey[345];
double height = 23.45;
size_t stride = sizeof (XYQS);


proj_trans_generic (
    P, PJ_INV,
    &(survey[0].x), stride, 345,  /*  We have 345 eastings  */
    &(survey[0].y), stride, 345,  /*  ...and 345 northings. */
    &height, sizeof(double), 1,   /*  The height is the constant  23.45 m */
    0, 0, 0                       /*  and the time is the constant 0.00 s */

This is similar to the inner workings of the deprecated pj_transform() function, but the stride functionality has been generalized to work for any size of basic unit, not just a fixed number of doubles.

In most cases, the stride will be identical for x, y, z, and t, since they will typically be either individual arrays (stride = sizeof(double)), or strided views into an array of application specific data structures (stride = sizeof (...)).

But in order to support cases where x, y, z, and t come from heterogeneous sources, individual strides, sx, sy, sz, st, are used.


Since proj_trans_generic() does its work in place, this means that even the supposedly constants (i.e. length 1 arrays) will return from the call in altered state. Hence, remember to reinitialize between repeated calls.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Transformation direction.

  • x (double *) -- Array of x-coordinates

  • sx (size_t) -- Step length, in bytes, between consecutive elements of the corresponding array

  • nx (size_t) -- Number of elements in the corresponding array

  • y (double *) -- Array of y-coordinates

  • sy (size_t) -- Step length, in bytes, between consecutive elements of the corresponding array

  • ny (size_t) -- Number of elements in the corresponding array

  • z (double *) -- Array of z-coordinates

  • sz (size_t) -- Step length, in bytes, between consecutive elements of the corresponding array

  • nz (size_t) -- Number of elements in the corresponding array

  • t (double *) -- Array of t-coordinates

  • st (size_t) -- Step length, in bytes, between consecutive elements of the corresponding array

  • nt (size_t) -- Number of elements in the corresponding array


Number of transformations successfully completed

int proj_trans_array(PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, size_t n, PJ_COORD *coord)

Batch transform an array of PJ_COORD.

Performs transformation on all points, even if errors occur on some points (new to 8.0. Previous versions would exit early in case of failure on a given point)

Individual points that fail to transform will have their components set to HUGE_VAL

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Transformation direction.

  • n (size_t) -- Number of coordinates in coord


int 0 if all observations are transformed without error, otherwise returns error number. This error number will be a precise error number if all coordinates that fail to transform for the same reason, or a generic error code if they fail for different reasons.

int proj_trans_bounds(PJ_CONTEXT *context, PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax, double *out_xmin, double *out_ymin, double *out_xmax, double *out_ymax, int densify_pts)

Transform boundary,.

Transform boundary densifying the edges to account for nonlinear transformations along these edges and extracting the outermost bounds.

If the destination CRS is geographic, the first axis is longitude, and xmax < xmin then the bounds crossed the antimeridian. In this scenario there are two polygons, one on each side of the antimeridian. The first polygon should be constructed with (xmin, ymin, 180, ymax) and the second with (-180, ymin, xmax, ymax).

If the destination CRS is geographic, the first axis is latitude, and ymax < ymin then the bounds crossed the antimeridian. In this scenario there are two polygons, one on each side of the antimeridian. The first polygon should be constructed with (ymin, xmin, ymax, 180) and the second with (ymin, -180, ymax, xmax).



  • context -- The PJ_CONTEXT object.

  • P -- The PJ object representing the transformation.

  • direction -- The direction of the transformation.

  • xmin -- Minimum bounding coordinate of the first axis in source CRS (target CRS if direction is inverse).

  • ymin -- Minimum bounding coordinate of the second axis in source CRS. (target CRS if direction is inverse).

  • xmax -- Maximum bounding coordinate of the first axis in source CRS. (target CRS if direction is inverse).

  • ymax -- Maximum bounding coordinate of the second axis in source CRS. (target CRS if direction is inverse).

  • out_xmin -- Minimum bounding coordinate of the first axis in target CRS (source CRS if direction is inverse).

  • out_ymin -- Minimum bounding coordinate of the second axis in target CRS. (source CRS if direction is inverse).

  • out_xmax -- Maximum bounding coordinate of the first axis in target CRS. (source CRS if direction is inverse).

  • out_ymax -- Maximum bounding coordinate of the second axis in target CRS. (source CRS if direction is inverse).

  • densify_pts -- Recommended to use 21. This is the number of points to use to densify the bounding polygon in the transformation.


an integer. 1 if successful. 0 if failures encountered.

Error reporting

int proj_errno(PJ *P)

Get a reading of the current error-state of P. An non-zero error codes indicates an error either with the transformation setup or during a transformation. In cases P is 0 the error number of the default context is read. A text representation of the error number can be retrieved with proj_errno_string().

Consult Error codes for the list of error codes (PROJ >= 8.0)

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object



int proj_context_errno(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx)

Get a reading of the current error-state of ctx. An non-zero error codes indicates an error either with the transformation setup or during a transformation. A text representation of the error number can be retrieved with proj_errno_string().

Consult Error codes for the list of error codes (PROJ >= 8.0)



void proj_errno_set(PJ *P, int err)

Change the error-state of P to err.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • err (int) -- Error number.

int proj_errno_reset(PJ *P)

Clears the error number in P, and bubbles it up to the context.


void foo (PJ *P) {
    int last_errno = proj_errno_reset (P);

    do_something_with_P (P);

    /* failure - keep latest error status */
    if (proj_errno(P))
    /* success - restore previous error status */
    proj_errno_restore (P, last_errno);
  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object


int Returns the previous value of the errno, for convenient reset/restore operations.

void proj_errno_restore(PJ *P, int err)

Reduce some mental impedance in the canonical reset/restore use case: Basically, proj_errno_restore() is a synonym for proj_errno_set(), but the use cases are very different: set indicate an error to higher level user code, restore passes previously set error indicators in case of no errors at this level.

Hence, although the inner working is identical, we provide both options, to avoid some rather confusing real world code.

See usage example under proj_errno_reset()

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • err (int) -- Error number.

const char *proj_errno_string(int err)

Added in version 5.1.0.

Get a text representation of an error number.

Deprecated since version This: function is potentially thread-unsafe, replaced by proj_context_errno_string().

  • err (int) -- Error number.


const char* String with description of error.

const char *proj_context_errno_string(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int err)

Added in version 8.0.0.

Get a text representation of an error number.

  • ctx (PJ_CONTEXT *) -- threading context.

  • err (int) -- Error number.


const char* String with description of error.


PJ_LOG_LEVEL proj_log_level(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_LOG_LEVEL level)

Get and set logging level for a given context. Changes the log level to level and returns the previous logging level. If called with level set to PJ_LOG_TELL the function returns the current logging level without changing it.



Added in version 5.1.0.

void proj_log_func(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, void *app_data, PJ_LOG_FUNCTION logf)

Override the internal log function of PROJ.

  • ctx (PJ_CONTEXT *) -- Threading context.

  • app_data (void *) -- Pointer to data structure used by the calling application.

  • logf (PJ_LOG_FUNCTION) -- Log function that overrides the PROJ log function.

Added in version 5.1.0.

Info functions

PJ_INFO proj_info(void)

Get information about the current instance of the PROJ library.



PJ_PROJ_INFO proj_pj_info(const PJ *P)

Get information about a specific transformation object, P.

  • P (const PJ *) -- Transformation object



PJ_GRID_INFO proj_grid_info(const char *gridname)

Get information about a specific grid.

  • gridname (const char*) -- Gridname in the PROJ searchpath



PJ_INIT_INFO proj_init_info(const char *initname)

Get information about a specific init file.

  • initname (const char*) -- Init file in the PROJ searchpath




const PJ_OPERATIONS *proj_list_operations(void)

Get a pointer to an array of all operations in PROJ. The last entry of the returned array is a NULL-entry. The array is statically allocated and does not need to be freed after use.

Print a list of all operations in PROJ:

for (ops = proj_list_operations(); ops->id; ++ops)
    printf("%s\n", ops->id);


const PJ_ELLPS *proj_list_ellps(void)

Get a pointer to an array of ellipsoids defined in PROJ. The last entry of the returned array is a NULL-entry. The array is statically allocated and does not need to be freed after use.


const PJ_ELLPS *

const PJ_UNITS *proj_list_units(void)

Get a pointer to an array of distance units defined in PROJ. The last entry of the returned array is a NULL-entry. The array is statically allocated and does not need to be freed after use.

Note: starting with PROJ 7.1, this function is deprecated by proj_get_units_from_database()


const PJ_UNITS *

const PJ_PRIME_MERIDIANS *proj_list_prime_meridians(void)

Get a pointer to an array of hard-coded prime meridians defined in PROJ. Note that this list is no longer updated. The last entry of the returned array is a NULL-entry. The array is statically allocated and does not need to be freed after use.




double proj_lp_dist(const PJ *P, PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b)

Calculate geodesic distance between two points in geodetic coordinates. The calculated distance is between the two points located on the ellipsoid.

The coordinates in a and b needs to be given as longitude and latitude in radians. Note that the axis order of the P object is not taken into account in this function, so even though a CRS object comes with axis ordering latitude/longitude coordinates used in this function should be reordered as longitude/latitude.

  • P (const PJ *) -- Transformation or CRS object

  • a (PJ_COORD) -- Coordinate of first point

  • b (PJ_COORD) -- Coordinate of second point


double Distance between a and b in meters.

double proj_lpz_dist(const PJ *P, PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b)

Calculate geodesic distance between two points in geodetic coordinates. Similar to proj_lp_dist() but also takes the height above the ellipsoid into account.

The coordinates in a and b needs to be given as longitude and latitude in radians. Note that the axis order of the P object is not taken into account in this function, so even though a CRS object comes with axis ordering latitude/longitude coordinates used in this function should be reordered as longitude/latitude.

  • P (const PJ *) -- Transformation or CRS object

  • a (PJ_COORD) -- Coordinate of first point

  • b (PJ_COORD) -- Coordinate of second point


double Distance between a and b in meters.

double proj_xy_dist(PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b)

Calculate 2-dimensional euclidean between two projected coordinates.


double Distance between a and b in meters.

double proj_xyz_dist(PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b)

Calculate 3-dimensional euclidean between two projected coordinates.


double Distance between a and b in meters.

PJ_COORD proj_geod(const PJ *P, PJ_COORD a, PJ_COORD b)

Calculate the geodesic distance as well as forward and reverse azimuth between two points on the ellipsoid.

The coordinates in a and b needs to be given as longitude and latitude in radians. Note that the axis order of the P object is not taken into account in this function, so even though a CRS object comes with axis ordering latitude/longitude coordinates used in this function should be reordered as longitude/latitude.

  • P (const PJ *) -- Transformation or CRS object

  • a (PJ_COORD) -- Coordinate of first point

  • b (PJ_COORD) -- Coordinate of second point


PJ_COORD where the first value is the distance between a and b in meters, the second value is the forward azimuth and the third value is the reverse azimuth. The fourth coordinate value is unused.


PJ_COORD proj_coord(double x, double y, double z, double t)

Initializer for the PJ_COORD union. The function is shorthand for the otherwise convoluted assignment. Equivalent to

PJ_COORD c = {{10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0}};


// Assign using the PJ_XYZT struct in the union
c.xyzt.x = 10.0;
c.xyzt.y = 20.0;
c.xyzt.z = 30.0;
c.xyzt.t = 40.0;

Since PJ_COORD is a union of structs, the above assignment can also be expressed in terms of the other types in the union, e.g. PJ_UVWT or PJ_LPZT.

  • x (double) -- 1st component in a PJ_COORD

  • y (double) -- 2nd component in a PJ_COORD

  • z (double) -- 3rd component in a PJ_COORD

  • t (double) -- 4th component in a PJ_COORD



double proj_roundtrip(PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, int n, PJ_COORD *coord)

Measure internal consistency of a given transformation. The function performs n round trip transformations starting in either the forward or reverse direction. Returns the euclidean distance of the starting point coo and the resulting coordinate after n iterations back and forth.

If the input coordinate has any NaNs and the expected output of all NaNs is returned then the final distance will be 0.

Changed in version 9.2.0: Define expected NaN distance of 0.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Starting direction of transformation

  • n (int) -- Number of roundtrip transformations

  • coord (PJ_COORD *) -- Input coordinate


double Distance between original coordinate and the resulting coordinate after n transformation iterations.

PJ_FACTORS proj_factors(PJ *P, PJ_COORD lp)

Calculate various cartographic properties, such as scale factors, angular distortion and meridian convergence. Depending on the underlying projection values will be calculated either numerically (default) or analytically.

Starting with PROJ 8.2, the P object can be a projected CRS, for example instantiated from a EPSG CRS code. The factors computed will be those of the map projection implied by the transformation from the base geographic CRS of the projected CRS to the projected CRS.

The input geodetic coordinate lp should be such that lp.lam is the longitude in radian, and lp.phi the latitude in radian (thus independently of the definition of the base CRS, if P is a projected CRS).

The function also calculates the partial derivatives of the given coordinate.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • lp (PJ_COORD) -- Geodetic coordinate



double proj_torad(double angle_in_degrees)

Convert degrees to radians.

  • angle_in_degrees (double) -- Degrees


double Radians

double proj_todeg(double angle_in_radians)

Convert radians to degrees

  • angle_in_radians (double) -- Radians


double Degrees

double proj_dmstor(const char *is, char **rs)

Convert string of degrees, minutes and seconds to radians. Works similarly to the C standard library function strtod().

  • is (const char*) -- Value to be converted to radians

  • rs -- Reference to an already allocated char*, whose value is set by the function to the next character in is after the numerical value.

char *proj_rtodms(char *s, double r, int pos, int neg)

Convert radians to string representation of degrees, minutes and seconds.

Deprecated since version 9.2: Use proj_rtodms2() instead.

  • s (char *) -- Buffer that holds the output string

  • r (double) -- Value to convert to dms-representation

  • pos (int) -- Character denoting positive direction, typically 'N' or 'E'.

  • neg (int) -- Character denoting negative direction, typically 'S' or 'W'.


char* Pointer to output buffer (same as s)

char *proj_rtodms2(char *s, size_t sizeof_s, double r, int pos, int neg)

Added in version 9.2.0.

Convert radians to string representation of degrees, minutes and seconds.

  • s (char *) -- Buffer that holds the output string

  • sizeof_s (size_t) -- Size of s buffer

  • r (double) -- Value to convert to dms-representation

  • pos (int) -- Character denoting positive direction, typically 'N' or 'E'.

  • neg (int) -- Character denoting negative direction, typically 'S' or 'W'.


char* Pointer to output buffer (same as s)

int proj_angular_input(PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir)

Check if an operation expects input in radians or not.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Starting direction of transformation


int 1 if input units is expected in radians, otherwise 0

int proj_angular_output(PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir)

Check if an operation returns output in radians or not.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Starting direction of transformation


int 1 if output units is expected in radians, otherwise 0

int proj_degree_input(PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir)

Added in version 7.1.0.

Check if an operation expects input in degrees or not.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Starting direction of transformation


int 1 if input units is expected in degrees, otherwise 0

int proj_degree_output(PJ *P, enum PJ_DIRECTION dir)

Added in version 7.1.0.

Check if an operation returns output in degrees or not.

  • P (PJ *) -- Transformation object

  • direction (PJ_DIRECTION) -- Starting direction of transformation


int 1 if output units is expected in degrees, otherwise 0

Setting custom I/O functions

Added in version 7.0.0.

int proj_context_set_fileapi(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PROJ_FILE_API *fileapi, void *user_data)

Set a file API

All callbacks should be provided (non NULL pointers). If read-only usage is intended, then the callbacks might have a dummy implementation.




Those callbacks will not be used for SQLite3 database access. If custom I/O is desired for that, then proj_context_set_sqlite3_vfs_name() should be used.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL

  • fileapi -- Pointer to file API structure (content will be copied).

  • user_data -- Arbitrary pointer provided by the user, and passed to the above callbacks. May be NULL.


TRUE in case of success.

void proj_context_set_sqlite3_vfs_name(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *name)

Set the name of a custom SQLite3 VFS.

This should be a valid SQLite3 VFS name, such as the one passed to the sqlite3_vfs_register(). See

It will be used to read proj.db or create&access the cache.db file in the PROJ user writable directory.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL

  • name -- SQLite3 VFS name. If NULL is passed, default implementation by SQLite will be used.

void proj_context_set_file_finder(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, proj_file_finder finder, void *user_data)

Assign a file finder callback to a context.

This callback will be used whenever PROJ must open one of its resource files (proj.db database, grids, etc...)

The callback will be called with the context currently in use at the moment where it is used (not necessarily the one provided during this call), and with the provided user_data (which may be NULL). The user_data must remain valid during the whole lifetime of the context.

A finder set on the default context will be inherited by contexts created later.


PROJ 6.0

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for the default context.

  • finder -- Finder callback. May be NULL

  • user_data -- User data provided to the finder callback. May be NULL.

void proj_context_set_search_paths(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int count_paths, const char *const *paths)

Sets search paths.

Those search paths will be used whenever PROJ must open one of its resource files (proj.db database, grids, etc...)

If set on the default context, they will be inherited by contexts created later.

Starting with PROJ 7.0, the path(s) should be encoded in UTF-8.


PROJ 6.0

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for the default context.

  • count_paths -- Number of paths. 0 if paths == NULL.

  • paths -- Paths. May be NULL.

void proj_context_set_ca_bundle_path(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *path)

Sets CA Bundle path.

Those CA Bundle path will be used by PROJ when curl and PROJ_NETWORK are enabled.

If set on the default context, they will be inherited by contexts created later.

The path should be encoded in UTF-8.


PROJ 7.2

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for the default context.

  • path -- Path. May be NULL.


void proj_cleanup()

Added in version 6.2.0.

This function frees global resources (grids, cache of +init files). It should be called typically before process termination, and after having freed PJ and PJ_CONTEXT objects.

C API for ISO-19111 functionality

Added in version 6.0.0.

The PJ* objects returned by proj_create_from_wkt(), proj_create_from_database() and other functions in that section will have generally minimal interaction with the functions declared in the previous sections (calling those functions on those objects will either return an error or default/nonsensical values). The exception is for ISO19111 objects of type CoordinateOperation that can be exported as a valid PROJ pipeline. In this case, objects will work for example with proj_trans_generic(). Conversely, objects returned by proj_create() and proj_create_argv(), which are not of type CRS (can be tested with proj_is_crs()), will return an error when used with functions of this section.

Base functions

void proj_string_list_destroy(PROJ_STRING_LIST list)

Free a list of NULL terminated strings.

void proj_context_set_autoclose_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int autoclose)

Starting with PROJ 8.1, this function does nothing.

If you want to take into account changes to the PROJ database, you need to re-create a new context.


6.2 deprecated Since 8.1

  • ctx -- Ignored

  • autoclose -- Ignored

int proj_context_set_database_path(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *dbPath, const char *const *auxDbPaths, const char *const *options)

Explicitly point to the main PROJ CRS and coordinate operation definition database ("proj.db"), and potentially auxiliary databases with same structure.

Starting with PROJ 8.1, if the auxDbPaths parameter is an empty array, the PROJ_AUX_DB environment variable will be used, if set. It must contain one or several paths. If several paths are provided, they must be separated by the colon (:) character on Unix, and on Windows, by the semi-colon (;) character.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • dbPath -- Path to main database, or NULL for default.

  • auxDbPaths -- NULL-terminated list of auxiliary database filenames, or NULL.

  • options -- should be set to NULL for now


TRUE in case of success

const char *proj_context_get_database_path(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx)

Returns the path to the database.

The returned pointer remains valid while ctx is valid, and until proj_context_set_database_path() is called.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context


path, or nullptr

const char *proj_context_get_database_metadata(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *key)

Return a metadata from the database.

The returned pointer remains valid while ctx is valid, and until proj_context_get_database_metadata() is called.

Available keys:














  • PROJ_DATA.VERSION : PROJ-data version most compatible with this database.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • key -- Metadata key. Must not be NULL


value, or nullptr

PROJ_STRING_LIST proj_context_get_database_structure(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *const *options)

Return the database structure.

Return SQL statements to run to initiate a new valid auxiliary empty database. It contains definitions of tables, views and triggers, as well as metadata for the version of the layout of the database.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • options -- null-terminated list of options, or NULL. None currently.


list of SQL statements (to be freed with proj_string_list_destroy()), or NULL in case of error.

PJ_GUESSED_WKT_DIALECT proj_context_guess_wkt_dialect(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *wkt)

Guess the "dialect" of the WKT string.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • wkt -- String (must not be NULL)

PJ *proj_create_from_wkt(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *wkt, const char *const *options, PROJ_STRING_LIST *out_warnings, PROJ_STRING_LIST *out_grammar_errors)

Instantiate an object from a WKT string.

This function calls osgeo::proj::io::WKTParser::createFromWKT()

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

The distinction between warnings and grammar errors is somewhat artificial and does not tell much about the real criticity of the non-compliance. Some warnings may be more concerning than some grammar errors. Human expertise (or, by the time this comment will be read, specialized AI) is generally needed to perform that assessment.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • wkt -- WKT string (must not be NULL)

  • options -- null-terminated list of options, or NULL. Currently supported options are:

    • STRICT=YES/NO. Defaults to NO. When set to YES, strict validation will be enabled.

    • UNSET_IDENTIFIERS_IF_INCOMPATIBLE_DEF=YES/NO. Defaults to YES. When set to YES, object identifiers are unset when there is a contradiction between the definition from WKT and the one from the database./

  • out_warnings -- Pointer to a PROJ_STRING_LIST object, or NULL. If provided, *out_warnings will contain a list of warnings, typically for non recognized projection method or parameters, or other issues found during WKT analys. It must be freed with proj_string_list_destroy().

  • out_grammar_errors -- Pointer to a PROJ_STRING_LIST object, or NULL. If provided, *out_grammar_errors will contain a list of errors regarding the WKT grammar. It must be freed with proj_string_list_destroy().


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *code, PJ_CATEGORY category, int usePROJAlternativeGridNames, const char *const *options)

Instantiate an object from a database lookup.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • auth_name -- Authority name (must not be NULL)

  • code -- Object code (must not be NULL)

  • category -- Object category

  • usePROJAlternativeGridNames -- Whether PROJ alternative grid names should be substituted to the official grid names. Only used on transformations

  • options -- should be set to NULL for now


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

int proj_uom_get_info_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *code, const char **out_name, double *out_conv_factor, const char **out_category)

Get information for a unit of measure from a database lookup.

  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • auth_name -- Authority name (must not be NULL)

  • code -- Unit of measure code (must not be NULL)

  • out_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter name. or NULL. This value remains valid until the next call to proj_uom_get_info_from_database() or the context destruction.

  • out_conv_factor -- Pointer to a value to store the conversion factor of the prime meridian longitude unit to radian. or NULL

  • out_category -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter name. or NULL. This value might be "unknown", "none", "linear", "linear_per_time", "angular", "angular_per_time", "scale", "scale_per_time", "time", "parametric" or "parametric_per_time"


TRUE in case of success

int proj_grid_get_info_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *grid_name, const char **out_full_name, const char **out_package_name, const char **out_url, int *out_direct_download, int *out_open_license, int *out_available)

Get information for a grid from a database lookup.

  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • grid_name -- Grid name (must not be NULL)

  • out_full_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the grid full filename. or NULL

  • out_package_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the package name where the grid might be found. or NULL

  • out_url -- Pointer to a string value to store the grid URL or the package URL where the grid might be found. or NULL

  • out_direct_download -- Pointer to a int (boolean) value to store whether *out_url can be downloaded directly. or NULL

  • out_open_license -- Pointer to a int (boolean) value to store whether the grid is released with an open license. or NULL

  • out_available -- Pointer to a int (boolean) value to store whether the grid is available at runtime. or NULL


TRUE in case of success.

PJ *proj_clone(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

"Clone" an object.

The object might be used independently of the original object, provided that the use of context is compatible. In particular if you intend to use a clone in a different thread than the original object, you should pass a context that is different from the one of the original object (or later assign a different context with proj_assign_context()).

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object to clone. Must not be NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ_OBJ_LIST *proj_create_from_name(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *searchedName, const PJ_TYPE *types, size_t typesCount, int approximateMatch, size_t limitResultCount, const char *const *options)

Return a list of objects by their name.

  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • auth_name -- Authority name, used to restrict the search. Or NULL for all authorities.

  • searchedName -- Searched name. Must be at least 2 character long.

  • types -- List of object types into which to search. If NULL, all object types will be searched.

  • typesCount -- Number of elements in types, or 0 if types is NULL

  • approximateMatch -- Whether approximate name identification is allowed.

  • limitResultCount -- Maximum number of results to return. Or 0 for unlimited.

  • options -- should be set to NULL for now


a result set that must be unreferenced with proj_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ_TYPE proj_get_type(const PJ *obj)

Return the type of an object.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)


its type.

int proj_is_deprecated(const PJ *obj)

Return whether an object is deprecated.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)


TRUE if it is deprecated, FALSE otherwise

PJ_OBJ_LIST *proj_get_non_deprecated(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Return a list of non-deprecated objects related to the passed one.

  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • obj -- Object (of type CRS for now) for which non-deprecated objects must be searched. Must not be NULL


a result set that must be unreferenced with proj_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

int proj_is_equivalent_to(const PJ *obj, const PJ *other, PJ_COMPARISON_CRITERION criterion)

Return whether two objects are equivalent.

Use proj_is_equivalent_to_with_ctx() to be able to use database information.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • other -- Other object (must not be NULL)

  • criterion -- Comparison criterion


TRUE if they are equivalent

int proj_is_equivalent_to_with_ctx(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const PJ *other, PJ_COMPARISON_CRITERION criterion)

Return whether two objects are equivalent.

Possibly using database to check for name aliases.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • other -- Other object (must not be NULL)

  • criterion -- Comparison criterion


TRUE if they are equivalent

int proj_is_crs(const PJ *obj)

Return whether an object is a CRS.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

const char *proj_get_name(const PJ *obj)

Get the name of an object.

The lifetime of the returned string is the same as the input obj parameter.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)


a string, or NULL in case of error or missing name.

const char *proj_get_id_auth_name(const PJ *obj, int index)

Get the authority name / codespace of an identifier of an object.

The lifetime of the returned string is the same as the input obj parameter.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • index -- Index of the identifier. 0 = first identifier


a string, or NULL in case of error or missing name.

const char *proj_get_id_code(const PJ *obj, int index)

Get the code of an identifier of an object.

The lifetime of the returned string is the same as the input obj parameter.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • index -- Index of the identifier. 0 = first identifier


a string, or NULL in case of error or missing name.

const char *proj_get_remarks(const PJ *obj)

Get the remarks of an object.

The lifetime of the returned string is the same as the input obj parameter.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)


a string, or NULL in case of error.

int proj_get_domain_count(const PJ *obj)

Get the number of domains/usages for a given object.

Most objects have a single domain/usage, but for some of them, there might be multiple.



  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)


the number of domains, or 0 in case of error.

const char *proj_get_scope(const PJ *obj)

Get the scope of an object.

In case of multiple usages, this will be the one of first usage.

The lifetime of the returned string is the same as the input obj parameter.

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)


a string, or NULL in case of error or missing scope.

const char *proj_get_scope_ex(const PJ *obj, int domainIdx)

Get the scope of an object.

The lifetime of the returned string is the same as the input obj parameter.



  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • domainIdx -- Index of the domain/usage. In [0,proj_get_domain_count(obj)[


a string, or NULL in case of error or missing scope.

int proj_get_area_of_use(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, double *out_west_lon_degree, double *out_south_lat_degree, double *out_east_lon_degree, double *out_north_lat_degree, const char **out_area_name)

Return the area of use of an object.

In case of multiple usages, this will be the one of first usage.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • out_west_lon_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the west longitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_south_lat_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the south latitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_east_lon_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the east longitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_north_lat_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the north latitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_area_name -- Pointer to a string to receive the name of the area of use. Or NULL. *p_area_name is valid while obj is valid itself.


TRUE in case of success, FALSE in case of error or if the area of use is unknown.

int proj_get_area_of_use_ex(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, int domainIdx, double *out_west_lon_degree, double *out_south_lat_degree, double *out_east_lon_degree, double *out_north_lat_degree, const char **out_area_name)

Return the area of use of an object.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • domainIdx -- Index of the domain/usage. In [0,proj_get_domain_count(obj)[

  • out_west_lon_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the west longitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_south_lat_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the south latitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_east_lon_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the east longitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_north_lat_degree -- Pointer to a double to receive the north latitude (in degrees). Or NULL. If the returned value is -1000, the bounding box is unknown.

  • out_area_name -- Pointer to a string to receive the name of the area of use. Or NULL. *p_area_name is valid while obj is valid itself.


TRUE in case of success, FALSE in case of error or if the area of use is unknown.

const char *proj_as_wkt(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, PJ_WKT_TYPE type, const char *const *options)

Get a WKT representation of an object.

The returned string is valid while the input obj parameter is valid, and until a next call to proj_as_wkt() with the same input object.

This function calls osgeo::proj::io::IWKTExportable::exportToWKT().

This function may return NULL if the object is not compatible with an export to the requested type.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • type -- WKT version.

  • options -- null-terminated list of options, or NULL. Currently supported options are:

    • MULTILINE=YES/NO. Defaults to YES, except for WKT1_ESRI

    • INDENTATION_WIDTH=number. Defaults to 4 (when multiline output is on).

    • OUTPUT_AXIS=AUTO/YES/NO. In AUTO mode, axis will be output for WKT2 variants, for WKT1_GDAL for ProjectedCRS with easting/northing ordering (otherwise stripped), but not for WKT1_ESRI. Setting to YES will output them unconditionally, and to NO will omit them unconditionally.

    • STRICT=YES/NO. Default is YES. If NO, a Geographic 3D CRS can be for example exported as WKT1_GDAL with 3 axes, whereas this is normally not allowed.

    • ALLOW_ELLIPSOIDAL_HEIGHT_AS_VERTICAL_CRS=YES/NO. Default is NO. If set to YES and type == PJ_WKT1_GDAL, a Geographic 3D CRS or a Projected 3D CRS will be exported as a compound CRS whose vertical part represents an ellipsoidal height (for example for use with LAS 1.4 WKT1).

    • ALLOW_LINUNIT_NODE=YES/NO. Default is YES starting with PROJ 9.1. Only taken into account with type == PJ_WKT1_ESRI on a Geographic 3D CRS.


a string, or NULL in case of error.

const char *proj_as_proj_string(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, PJ_PROJ_STRING_TYPE type, const char *const *options)

Get a PROJ string representation of an object.

The returned string is valid while the input obj parameter is valid, and until a next call to proj_as_proj_string() with the same input object.

This function calls osgeo::proj::io::IPROJStringExportable::exportToPROJString().

This function may return NULL if the object is not compatible with an export to the requested type.


If a CRS object was not created from a PROJ string, exporting to a PROJ string will in most cases cause a loss of information. This can potentially lead to erroneous transformations.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • type -- PROJ String version.

  • options -- NULL-terminated list of strings with "KEY=VALUE" format. or NULL. Currently supported options are:

    • USE_APPROX_TMERC=YES to add the +approx flag to +proj=tmerc or +proj=utm.

    • MULTILINE=YES/NO. Defaults to NO

    • INDENTATION_WIDTH=number. Defaults to 2 (when multiline output is on).

    • MAX_LINE_LENGTH=number. Defaults to 80 (when multiline output is on).


a string, or NULL in case of error.

const char *proj_as_projjson(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *const *options)

Get a PROJJSON string representation of an object.

The returned string is valid while the input obj parameter is valid, and until a next call to proj_as_proj_string() with the same input object.

This function calls osgeo::proj::io::IJSONExportable::exportToJSON().

This function may return NULL if the object is not compatible with an export to the requested type.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object (must not be NULL)

  • options -- NULL-terminated list of strings with "KEY=VALUE" format. or NULL. Currently supported options are:

    • MULTILINE=YES/NO. Defaults to YES

    • INDENTATION_WIDTH=number. Defaults to 2 (when multiline output is on).

    • SCHEMA=string. URL to PROJJSON schema. Can be set to empty string to disable it.


a string, or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_get_source_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Return the base CRS of a BoundCRS or a DerivedCRS/ProjectedCRS, or the source CRS of a CoordinateOperation, or the CRS of a CoordinateMetadata.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type BoundCRS or CoordinateOperation (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error, or missing source CRS.

PJ *proj_get_target_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Return the hub CRS of a BoundCRS or the target CRS of a CoordinateOperation.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type BoundCRS or CoordinateOperation (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error, or missing target CRS.

PJ_OBJ_LIST *proj_identify(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *auth_name, const char *const *options, int **out_confidence)

Identify the CRS with reference CRSs.

The candidate CRSs are either hard-coded, or looked in the database when it is available.

Note that the implementation uses a set of heuristics to have a good compromise of successful identifications over execution time. It might miss legitimate matches in some circumstances.

The method returns a list of matching reference CRS, and the percentage (0-100) of confidence in the match. The list is sorted by decreasing confidence.

  • 100% means that the name of the reference entry perfectly matches the CRS name, and both are equivalent. In which case a single result is returned. Note: in the case of a GeographicCRS whose axis order is implicit in the input definition (for example ESRI WKT), then axis order is ignored for the purpose of identification. That is the CRS built from GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]] will be identified to EPSG:4326, but will not pass a isEquivalentTo(EPSG_4326, util::IComparable::Criterion::EQUIVALENT) test, but rather isEquivalentTo(EPSG_4326, util::IComparable::Criterion::EQUIVALENT_EXCEPT_AXIS_ORDER_GEOGCRS)

  • 90% means that CRS are equivalent, but the names are not exactly the same.

  • 70% means that CRS are equivalent, but the names are not equivalent.

  • 25% means that the CRS are not equivalent, but there is some similarity in the names.

Other confidence values may be returned by some specialized implementations.

This is implemented for GeodeticCRS, ProjectedCRS, VerticalCRS and CompoundCRS.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS. Must not be NULL

  • auth_name -- Authority name, or NULL for all authorities

  • options -- Placeholder for future options. Should be set to NULL.

  • out_confidence -- Output parameter. Pointer to an array of integers that will be allocated by the function and filled with the confidence values (0-100). There are as many elements in this array as proj_list_get_count() returns on the return value of this function. *confidence should be released with proj_int_list_destroy().


a list of matching reference CRS, or nullptr in case of error.

PROJ_STRING_LIST proj_get_geoid_models_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *code, const char *const *options)

Returns a list of geoid models available for that crs.

The list includes the geoid models connected directly with the crs, or via "Height Depth Reversal" or "Change of Vertical Unit" transformations. The returned list is NULL terminated and must be freed with proj_string_list_destroy().



  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • auth_name -- Authority name (must not be NULL)

  • code -- Object code (must not be NULL)

  • options -- should be set to NULL for now


list of geoid models names (to be freed with proj_string_list_destroy()), or NULL in case of error.

void proj_int_list_destroy(int *list)

Free an array of integer.

PROJ_STRING_LIST proj_get_authorities_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx)

Return the list of authorities used in the database.

The returned list is NULL terminated and must be freed with proj_string_list_destroy().

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context


a NULL terminated list of NUL-terminated strings that must be freed with proj_string_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PROJ_STRING_LIST proj_get_codes_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, PJ_TYPE type, int allow_deprecated)

Returns the set of authority codes of the given object type.

The returned list is NULL terminated and must be freed with proj_string_list_destroy().

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context.

  • auth_name -- Authority name (must not be NULL)

  • type -- Object type.

  • allow_deprecated -- whether we should return deprecated objects as well.


a NULL terminated list of NUL-terminated strings that must be freed with proj_string_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PROJ_CELESTIAL_BODY_INFO **proj_get_celestial_body_list_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, int *out_result_count)

Enumerate celestial bodies from the database.

The returned object is an array of PROJ_CELESTIAL_BODY_INFO* pointers, whose last entry is NULL. This array should be freed with proj_celestial_body_list_destroy()



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • auth_name -- Authority name, used to restrict the search. Or NULL for all authorities.

  • out_result_count -- Output parameter pointing to an integer to receive the size of the result list. Might be NULL


an array of PROJ_CELESTIAL_BODY_INFO* pointers to be freed with proj_celestial_body_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

void proj_celestial_body_list_destroy(PROJ_CELESTIAL_BODY_INFO **list)

Destroy the result returned by proj_get_celestial_body_list_from_database().



PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS *proj_get_crs_list_parameters_create(void)

Instantiate a default set of parameters to be used by proj_get_crs_list().


a new object to free with proj_get_crs_list_parameters_destroy()

void proj_get_crs_list_parameters_destroy(PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS *params)

Destroy an object returned by proj_get_crs_list_parameters_create()

PROJ_CRS_INFO **proj_get_crs_info_list_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS *params, int *out_result_count)

Enumerate CRS objects from the database, taking into account various criteria.

The returned object is an array of PROJ_CRS_INFO* pointers, whose last entry is NULL. This array should be freed with proj_crs_info_list_destroy()

When no filter parameters are set, this is functionally equivalent to proj_get_codes_from_database(), instantiating a PJ* object for each of the codes with proj_create_from_database() and retrieving information with the various getters. However this function will be much faster.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • auth_name -- Authority name, used to restrict the search. Or NULL for all authorities.

  • params -- Additional criteria, or NULL. If not-NULL, params SHOULD have been allocated by proj_get_crs_list_parameters_create(), as the PROJ_CRS_LIST_PARAMETERS structure might grow over time.

  • out_result_count -- Output parameter pointing to an integer to receive the size of the result list. Might be NULL


an array of PROJ_CRS_INFO* pointers to be freed with proj_crs_info_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

void proj_crs_info_list_destroy(PROJ_CRS_INFO **list)

Destroy the result returned by proj_get_crs_info_list_from_database().

PROJ_UNIT_INFO **proj_get_units_from_database(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *auth_name, const char *category, int allow_deprecated, int *out_result_count)

Enumerate units from the database, taking into account various criteria.

The returned object is an array of PROJ_UNIT_INFO* pointers, whose last entry is NULL. This array should be freed with proj_unit_list_destroy()



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • auth_name -- Authority name, used to restrict the search. Or NULL for all authorities.

  • category -- Filter by category, if this parameter is not NULL. Category is one of "linear", "linear_per_time", "angular", "angular_per_time", "scale", "scale_per_time" or "time"

  • allow_deprecated -- whether we should return deprecated objects as well.

  • out_result_count -- Output parameter pointing to an integer to receive the size of the result list. Might be NULL


an array of PROJ_UNIT_INFO* pointers to be freed with proj_unit_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

void proj_unit_list_destroy(PROJ_UNIT_INFO **list)

Destroy the result returned by proj_get_units_from_database().



PJ_INSERT_SESSION *proj_insert_object_session_create(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx)

Starts a session for proj_get_insert_statements()

Starts a new session for one or several calls to proj_get_insert_statements().

An insertion session guarantees that the inserted objects will not create conflicting intermediate objects.

The session must be stopped with proj_insert_object_session_destroy().

Only one session may be active at a time for a given context.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context


the session, or NULL in case of error.

void proj_insert_object_session_destroy(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_INSERT_SESSION *session)

Stops an insertion session started with proj_insert_object_session_create()



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • session -- The insertion session.

PROJ_STRING_LIST proj_get_insert_statements(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_INSERT_SESSION *session, const PJ *object, const char *authority, const char *code, int numeric_codes, const char *const *allowed_authorities, const char *const *options)

Returns SQL statements needed to insert the passed object into the database.

proj_insert_object_session_create() may have been called previously.

It is strongly recommended that new objects should not be added in common registries, such as "EPSG", "ESRI", "IAU", etc. Users should use a custom authority name instead. If a new object should be added to the official EPSG registry, users are invited to follow the procedure explained at

Combined with proj_context_get_database_structure(), users can create auxiliary databases, instead of directly modifying the main proj.db database. Those auxiliary databases can be specified through proj_context_set_database_path() or the PROJ_AUX_DB environment variable.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • session -- The insertion session. May be NULL if a single object must be inserted.

  • object -- The object to insert into the database. Currently only PrimeMeridian, Ellipsoid, Datum, GeodeticCRS, ProjectedCRS, VerticalCRS, CompoundCRS or BoundCRS are supported.

  • authority -- Authority name into which the object will be inserted. Must not be NULL.

  • code -- Code with which the object will be inserted.Must not be NULL.

  • numeric_codes -- Whether intermediate objects that can be created should use numeric codes (true), or may be alphanumeric (false)

  • allowed_authorities -- NULL terminated list of authority names, or NULL. Authorities to which intermediate objects are allowed to refer to. "authority" will be implicitly added to it. Note that unit, coordinate systems, projection methods and parameters will in any case be allowed to refer to EPSG. If NULL, allowed_authorities defaults to {"EPSG", "PROJ", nullptr}

  • options -- NULL terminated list of options, or NULL. No options are supported currently.


a list of insert statements (to be freed with proj_string_list_destroy()), or NULL in case of error.

char *proj_suggests_code_for(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *object, const char *authority, int numeric_code, const char *const *options)

Suggests a database code for the passed object.

Supported type of objects are PrimeMeridian, Ellipsoid, Datum, DatumEnsemble, GeodeticCRS, ProjectedCRS, VerticalCRS, CompoundCRS, BoundCRS, Conversion.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • object -- Object for which to suggest a code.

  • authority -- Authority name into which the object will be inserted.

  • numeric_code -- Whether the code should be numeric, or derived from the object name.

  • options -- NULL terminated list of options, or NULL. No options are supported currently.


the suggested code, that is guaranteed to not conflict with an existing one (to be freed with proj_string_destroy), or nullptr in case of error.

void proj_string_destroy(char *str)

Free a string.

Only to be used with functions that document using this function.



  • str -- String to free.

PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *proj_create_operation_factory_context(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *authority)

Instantiate a context for building coordinate operations between two CRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_operation_factory_context_destroy() after use.

If authority is NULL or the empty string, then coordinate operations from any authority will be searched, with the restrictions set in the authority_to_authority_preference database table. If authority is set to "any", then coordinate operations from any authority will be searched If authority is a non-empty string different of "any", then coordinate operations will be searched only in that authority namespace.

  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • authority -- Name of authority to which to restrict the search of candidate operations.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

void proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *ctx)

Drops a reference on an object.

This method should be called one and exactly one for each function returning a PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT*

  • ctx -- Object, or NULL.

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_desired_accuracy(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, double accuracy)

Set the desired accuracy of the resulting coordinate transformations.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • accuracy -- Accuracy in meter (or 0 to disable the filter).

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_area_of_interest(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, double west_lon_degree, double south_lat_degree, double east_lon_degree, double north_lat_degree)

Set the desired area of interest for the resulting coordinate transformations.

For an area of interest crossing the anti-meridian, west_lon_degree will be greater than east_lon_degree.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • west_lon_degree -- West longitude (in degrees).

  • south_lat_degree -- South latitude (in degrees).

  • east_lon_degree -- East longitude (in degrees).

  • north_lat_degree -- North latitude (in degrees).

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_area_of_interest_name(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, const char *area_name)

Set the name of the desired area of interest for the resulting coordinate transformations.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • area_name -- Area name. Must be known of the database.

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_crs_extent_use(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_CRS_EXTENT_USE use)

Set how source and target CRS extent should be used when considering if a transformation can be used (only takes effect if no area of interest is explicitly defined).


  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • use -- How source and target CRS extent should be used.

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_spatial_criterion(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION criterion)

Set the spatial criterion to use when comparing the area of validity of coordinate operations with the area of interest / area of validity of source and target CRS.


  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • criterion -- spatial criterion to use

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_grid_availability_use(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_USE use)

Set how grid availability is used.

The default is USE_FOR_SORTING.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • use -- how grid availability is used.

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_use_proj_alternative_grid_names(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, int usePROJNames)

Set whether PROJ alternative grid names should be substituted to the official authority names.

The default is true.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • usePROJNames -- whether PROJ alternative grid names should be used

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_allow_use_intermediate_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, PROJ_INTERMEDIATE_CRS_USE use)

Set whether an intermediate pivot CRS can be used for researching coordinate operations between a source and target CRS.

Concretely if in the database there is an operation from A to C (or C to A), and another one from C to B (or B to C), but no direct operation between A and B, setting this parameter to true, allow chaining both operations.

The current implementation is limited to researching one intermediate step.

By default, with the IF_NO_DIRECT_TRANSFORMATION strategy, all potential C candidates will be used if there is no direct transformation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • use -- whether and how intermediate CRS may be used.

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_allowed_intermediate_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, const char *const *list_of_auth_name_codes)

Restrict the potential pivot CRSs that can be used when trying to build a coordinate operation between two CRS that have no direct operation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • list_of_auth_name_codes -- an array of strings NLL terminated, with the format { "auth_name1", "code1", "auth_name2", "code2", ... NULL }

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_discard_superseded(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, int discard)

Set whether transformations that are superseded (but not deprecated) should be discarded.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • discard -- superseded crs or not

void proj_operation_factory_context_set_allow_ballpark_transformations(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *factory_ctx, int allow)

Set whether ballpark transformations are allowed.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • factory_ctx -- Operation factory context. must not be NULL

  • allow -- set to TRUE to allow ballpark transformations.

PJ_OBJ_LIST *proj_create_operations(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *source_crs, const PJ *target_crs, const PJ_OPERATION_FACTORY_CONTEXT *operationContext)

Find a list of CoordinateOperation from source_crs to target_crs.

The operations are sorted with the most relevant ones first: by descending area (intersection of the transformation area with the area of interest, or intersection of the transformation with the area of use of the CRS), and by increasing accuracy. Operations with unknown accuracy are sorted last, whatever their area.

Starting with PROJ 9.1, vertical transformations are only done if both source CRS and target CRS are 3D CRS or Compound CRS with a vertical component. You may need to use proj_crs_promote_to_3D().

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • source_crs -- source CRS. Must not be NULL.

  • target_crs -- source CRS. Must not be NULL.

  • operationContext -- Search context. Must not be NULL.


a result set that must be unreferenced with proj_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

int proj_list_get_count(const PJ_OBJ_LIST *result)

Return the number of objects in the result set.

  • result -- Object of type PJ_OBJ_LIST (must not be NULL)

PJ *proj_list_get(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ_OBJ_LIST *result, int index)

Return an object from the result set.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • result -- Object of type PJ_OBJ_LIST (must not be NULL)

  • index -- Index


a new object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or nullptr in case of error.

void proj_list_destroy(PJ_OBJ_LIST *result)

Drops a reference on the result set.

This method should be called one and exactly one for each function returning a PJ_OBJ_LIST*

  • result -- Object, or NULL.

int proj_get_suggested_operation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_OBJ_LIST *operations, PJ_DIRECTION direction, PJ_COORD coord)

Return the index of the operation that would be the most appropriate to transform the specified coordinates.

This operation may use resources that are not locally available, depending on the search criteria used by proj_create_operations().

This could be done by using proj_create_operations() with a punctual bounding box, but this function is faster when one needs to evaluate on many points with the same (source_crs, target_crs) tuple.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • operations -- List of operations returned by proj_create_operations()

  • direction -- Direction into which to transform the point.

  • coord -- Coordinate to transform


the index in operations that would be used to transform coord. Or -1 in case of error, or no match.

int proj_crs_is_derived(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Returns whether a CRS is a derived CRS.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type CRS (must not be NULL)


TRUE if the CRS is a derived CRS.

PJ *proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Get the geodeticCRS / geographicCRS from a CRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type CRS (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_get_horizontal_datum(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Get the horizontal datum from a CRS.

This function may return a Datum or DatumEnsemble object.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type CRS (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_get_sub_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs, int index)

Get a CRS component from a CompoundCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type CRS (must not be NULL)

  • index -- Index of the CRS component (typically 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_get_datum(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Returns the datum of a SingleCRS.

If that function returns NULL,

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

See also

proj_crs_get_datum_ensemble() to potentially get a DatumEnsemble instead.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type SingleCRS (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error (or if there is no datum)

PJ *proj_crs_get_datum_ensemble(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Returns the datum ensemble of a SingleCRS.

If that function returns NULL,

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

See also

proj_crs_get_datum() to potentially get a Datum instead.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type SingleCRS (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error (or if there is no datum ensemble)

PJ *proj_crs_get_datum_forced(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Returns a datum for a SingleCRS.

If the SingleCRS has a datum, then this datum is returned. Otherwise, the SingleCRS has a datum ensemble, and this datum ensemble is returned as a regular datum instead of a datum ensemble.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type SingleCRS (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error (or if there is no datum)

int proj_crs_has_point_motion_operation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Return whether a CRS has an associated PointMotionOperation.



int proj_datum_ensemble_get_member_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum_ensemble)

Returns the number of members of a datum ensemble.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • datum_ensemble -- Object of type DatumEnsemble (must not be NULL)

double proj_datum_ensemble_get_accuracy(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum_ensemble)

Returns the positional accuracy of the datum ensemble.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • datum_ensemble -- Object of type DatumEnsemble (must not be NULL)


the accuracy, or -1 in case of error.

PJ *proj_datum_ensemble_get_member(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum_ensemble, int member_index)

Returns a member from a datum ensemble.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • datum_ensemble -- Object of type DatumEnsemble (must not be NULL)

  • member_index -- Index of the datum member to extract (between 0 and proj_datum_ensemble_get_member_count()-1)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error (or if there is no datum ensemble)

double proj_dynamic_datum_get_frame_reference_epoch(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *datum)

Returns the frame reference epoch of a dynamic geodetic or vertical reference frame.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • datum -- Object of type DynamicGeodeticReferenceFrame or DynamicVerticalReferenceFrame (must not be NULL)


the frame reference epoch as decimal year, or -1 in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_get_coordinate_system(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Returns the coordinate system of a SingleCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type SingleCRS (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE proj_cs_get_type(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *cs)

Returns the type of the coordinate system.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • cs -- Object of type CoordinateSystem (must not be NULL)


type, or PJ_CS_TYPE_UNKNOWN in case of error.

int proj_cs_get_axis_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *cs)

Returns the number of axis of the coordinate system.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • cs -- Object of type CoordinateSystem (must not be NULL)


number of axis, or -1 in case of error.

int proj_cs_get_axis_info(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *cs, int index, const char **out_name, const char **out_abbrev, const char **out_direction, double *out_unit_conv_factor, const char **out_unit_name, const char **out_unit_auth_name, const char **out_unit_code)

Returns information on an axis.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • cs -- Object of type CoordinateSystem (must not be NULL)

  • index -- Index of the coordinate system (between 0 and proj_cs_get_axis_count() - 1)

  • out_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the axis name. or NULL

  • out_abbrev -- Pointer to a string value to store the axis abbreviation. or NULL

  • out_direction -- Pointer to a string value to store the axis direction. or NULL

  • out_unit_conv_factor -- Pointer to a double value to store the axis unit conversion factor. or NULL

  • out_unit_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the axis unit name. or NULL

  • out_unit_auth_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the axis unit authority name. or NULL

  • out_unit_code -- Pointer to a string value to store the axis unit code. or NULL


TRUE in case of success

PJ *proj_get_ellipsoid(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Get the ellipsoid from a CRS or a GeodeticReferenceFrame.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS or GeodeticReferenceFrame (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

int proj_ellipsoid_get_parameters(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *ellipsoid, double *out_semi_major_metre, double *out_semi_minor_metre, int *out_is_semi_minor_computed, double *out_inv_flattening)

Return ellipsoid parameters.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • ellipsoid -- Object of type Ellipsoid (must not be NULL)

  • out_semi_major_metre -- Pointer to a value to store the semi-major axis in metre. or NULL

  • out_semi_minor_metre -- Pointer to a value to store the semi-minor axis in metre. or NULL

  • out_is_semi_minor_computed -- Pointer to a boolean value to indicate if the semi-minor value was computed. If FALSE, its value comes from the definition. or NULL

  • out_inv_flattening -- Pointer to a value to store the inverse flattening. or NULL


TRUE in case of success.

const char *proj_get_celestial_body_name(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Get the name of the celestial body of this object.

Object should be a CRS, Datum or Ellipsoid.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS, Datum or Ellipsoid.(must not be NULL)


the name of the celestial body, or NULL.

PJ *proj_get_prime_meridian(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Get the prime meridian of a CRS or a GeodeticReferenceFrame.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS or GeodeticReferenceFrame (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

int proj_prime_meridian_get_parameters(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *prime_meridian, double *out_longitude, double *out_unit_conv_factor, const char **out_unit_name)

Return prime meridian parameters.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • prime_meridian -- Object of type PrimeMeridian (must not be NULL)

  • out_longitude -- Pointer to a value to store the longitude of the prime meridian, in its native unit. or NULL

  • out_unit_conv_factor -- Pointer to a value to store the conversion factor of the prime meridian longitude unit to radian. or NULL

  • out_unit_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the unit name. or NULL


TRUE in case of success.

PJ *proj_crs_get_coordoperation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Return the Conversion of a DerivedCRS (such as a ProjectedCRS), or the Transformation from the baseCRS to the hubCRS of a BoundCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type DerivedCRS or BoundCRSs (must not be NULL)


Object of type SingleOperation that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

int proj_coordoperation_get_method_info(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, const char **out_method_name, const char **out_method_auth_name, const char **out_method_code)

Return information on the operation method of the SingleOperation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type SingleOperation (typically a Conversion or Transformation) (must not be NULL)

  • out_method_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the method (projection) name. or NULL

  • out_method_auth_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the method authority name. or NULL

  • out_method_code -- Pointer to a string value to store the method code. or NULL


TRUE in case of success.

int proj_coordoperation_is_instantiable(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation)

Return whether a coordinate operation can be instantiated as a PROJ pipeline, checking in particular that referenced grids are available.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type CoordinateOperation or derived classes (must not be NULL)



int proj_coordoperation_has_ballpark_transformation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation)

Return whether a coordinate operation has a "ballpark" transformation, that is a very approximate one, due to lack of more accurate transformations.

Typically a null geographic offset between two horizontal datum, or a null vertical offset (or limited to unit changes) between two vertical datum. Errors of several tens to one hundred meters might be expected, compared to more accurate transformations.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type CoordinateOperation or derived classes (must not be NULL)



int proj_coordoperation_get_param_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation)

Return the number of parameters of a SingleOperation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type SingleOperation or derived classes (must not be NULL)

int proj_coordoperation_get_param_index(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, const char *name)

Return the index of a parameter of a SingleOperation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type SingleOperation or derived classes (must not be NULL)

  • name -- Parameter name. Must not be NULL


index (>=0), or -1 in case of error.

int proj_coordoperation_get_param(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, int index, const char **out_name, const char **out_auth_name, const char **out_code, double *out_value, const char **out_value_string, double *out_unit_conv_factor, const char **out_unit_name, const char **out_unit_auth_name, const char **out_unit_code, const char **out_unit_category)

Return a parameter of a SingleOperation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type SingleOperation or derived classes (must not be NULL)

  • index -- Parameter index.

  • out_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter name. or NULL

  • out_auth_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter authority name. or NULL

  • out_code -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter code. or NULL

  • out_value -- Pointer to a double value to store the parameter value (if numeric). or NULL

  • out_value_string -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter value (if of type string). or NULL

  • out_unit_conv_factor -- Pointer to a double value to store the parameter unit conversion factor. or NULL

  • out_unit_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter unit name. or NULL

  • out_unit_auth_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the unit authority name. or NULL

  • out_unit_code -- Pointer to a string value to store the unit code. or NULL

  • out_unit_category -- Pointer to a string value to store the parameter name. or NULL. This value might be "unknown", "none", "linear", "linear_per_time", "angular", "angular_per_time", "scale", "scale_per_time", "time", "parametric" or "parametric_per_time"


TRUE in case of success.

int proj_coordoperation_get_grid_used_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation)

Return the number of grids used by a CoordinateOperation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type CoordinateOperation or derived classes (must not be NULL)

int proj_coordoperation_get_grid_used(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, int index, const char **out_short_name, const char **out_full_name, const char **out_package_name, const char **out_url, int *out_direct_download, int *out_open_license, int *out_available)

Return a parameter of a SingleOperation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type SingleOperation or derived classes (must not be NULL)

  • index -- Parameter index.

  • out_short_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the grid short name. or NULL

  • out_full_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the grid full filename. or NULL

  • out_package_name -- Pointer to a string value to store the package name where the grid might be found. or NULL

  • out_url -- Pointer to a string value to store the grid URL or the package URL where the grid might be found. or NULL

  • out_direct_download -- Pointer to a int (boolean) value to store whether *out_url can be downloaded directly. or NULL

  • out_open_license -- Pointer to a int (boolean) value to store whether the grid is released with an open license. or NULL

  • out_available -- Pointer to a int (boolean) value to store whether the grid is available at runtime. or NULL


TRUE in case of success.

double proj_coordoperation_get_accuracy(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Return the accuracy (in metre) of a coordinate operation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Coordinate operation. Must not be NULL.


the accuracy, or a negative value if unknown or in case of error.

int proj_coordoperation_get_towgs84_values(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *coordoperation, double *out_values, int value_count, int emit_error_if_incompatible)

Return the parameters of a Helmert transformation as WKT1 TOWGS84 values.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • coordoperation -- Object of type Transformation, that can be represented as a WKT1 TOWGS84 node (must not be NULL)

  • out_values -- Pointer to an array of value_count double values.

  • value_count -- Size of out_values array. The suggested size is 7 to get translation, rotation and scale difference parameters. Rotation and scale difference terms might be zero if the transformation only includes translation parameters. In that case, value_count could be set to 3.

  • emit_error_if_incompatible -- Boolean to indicate if an error must be logged if coordoperation is not compatible with a WKT1 TOWGS84 representation.


TRUE in case of success, or FALSE if coordoperation is not compatible with a WKT1 TOWGS84 representation.

PJ *proj_coordoperation_create_inverse(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Returns a PJ* coordinate operation object which represents the inverse operation of the specified coordinate operation.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CoordinateOperation (must not be NULL)


a new PJ* object to free with proj_destroy() in case of success, or nullptr in case of error

int proj_concatoperation_get_step_count(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *concatoperation)

Returns the number of steps of a concatenated operation.

The input object must be a concatenated operation.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • concatoperation -- Concatenated operation (must not be NULL)


the number of steps, or 0 in case of error.

PJ *proj_concatoperation_get_step(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *concatoperation, int i_step)

Returns a step of a concatenated operation.

The input object must be a concatenated operation.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • concatoperation -- Concatenated operation (must not be NULL)

  • i_step -- Index of the step to extract. Between 0 and proj_concatoperation_get_step_count()-1


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_coordinate_metadata_create(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs, double epoch)

Instanciate a CoordinateMetadata object.



double proj_coordinate_metadata_get_epoch(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj)

Return the coordinate epoch associated with a CoordinateMetadata.

It may return a NaN value if there is no associated coordinate epoch.



Advanced functions

Available in proj.h since PROJ 9.4. Previously were available in proj_experimental.h.

PJ *proj_create_cs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE type, int axis_count, const PJ_AXIS_DESCRIPTION *axis)

Instantiate a CoordinateSystem.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • type -- Coordinate system type.

  • axis_count -- Number of axis

  • axis -- Axis description (array of size axis_count)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_cartesian_2D_cs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_CARTESIAN_CS_2D_TYPE type, const char *unit_name, double unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a CartesiansCS 2D.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • type -- Coordinate system type.

  • unit_name -- Unit name.

  • unit_conv_factor -- Unit conversion factor to SI.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_ellipsoidal_2D_cs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_ELLIPSOIDAL_CS_2D_TYPE type, const char *unit_name, double unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a Ellipsoidal 2D.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • type -- Coordinate system type.

  • unit_name -- Name of the angular units. Or NULL for Degree

  • unit_conv_factor -- Conversion factor from the angular unit to radian. Or 0 for Degree if unit_name == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_ellipsoidal_3D_cs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ_ELLIPSOIDAL_CS_3D_TYPE type, const char *horizontal_angular_unit_name, double horizontal_angular_unit_conv_factor, const char *vertical_linear_unit_name, double vertical_linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a Ellipsoidal 3D.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • type -- Coordinate system type.

  • horizontal_angular_unit_name -- Name of the angular units. Or NULL for Degree.

  • horizontal_angular_unit_conv_factor -- Conversion factor from the angular unit to radian. Or 0 for Degree if horizontal_angular_unit_name == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL

  • vertical_linear_unit_name -- Vertical linear unit name. Or NULL for Metre.

  • vertical_linear_unit_conv_factor -- Vertical linear unit conversion factor to metre. Or 0 for Metre if vertical_linear_unit_name == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ_OBJ_LIST *proj_query_geodetic_crs_from_datum(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_auth_name, const char *datum_auth_name, const char *datum_code, const char *crs_type)

Return GeodeticCRS that use the specified datum.

  • ctx -- Context, or NULL for default context.

  • crs_auth_name -- CRS authority name, or NULL.

  • datum_auth_name -- Datum authority name (must not be NULL)

  • datum_code -- Datum code (must not be NULL)

  • crs_type -- "geographic 2D", "geographic 3D", "geocentric" or NULL


a result set that must be unreferenced with proj_list_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_geographic_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const char *datum_name, const char *ellps_name, double semi_major_metre, double inv_flattening, const char *prime_meridian_name, double prime_meridian_offset, const char *pm_angular_units, double pm_units_conv, const PJ *ellipsoidal_cs)

Create a GeographicCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • datum_name -- Name of the GeodeticReferenceFrame. Or NULL

  • ellps_name -- Name of the Ellipsoid. Or NULL

  • semi_major_metre -- Ellipsoid semi-major axis, in metres.

  • inv_flattening -- Ellipsoid inverse flattening. Or 0 for a sphere.

  • prime_meridian_name -- Name of the PrimeMeridian. Or NULL

  • prime_meridian_offset -- Offset of the prime meridian, expressed in the specified angular units.

  • pm_angular_units -- Name of the angular units. Or NULL for Degree

  • pm_angular_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the angular unit to radian. Or 0 for Degree if pm_angular_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL

  • ellipsoidal_cs -- Coordinate system. Must not be NULL.


Object of type GeographicCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_geographic_crs_from_datum(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const PJ *datum_or_datum_ensemble, const PJ *ellipsoidal_cs)

Create a GeographicCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • datum_or_datum_ensemble -- Datum or DatumEnsemble (DatumEnsemble possible since 7.2). Must not be NULL.

  • ellipsoidal_cs -- Coordinate system. Must not be NULL.


Object of type GeographicCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_geocentric_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const char *datum_name, const char *ellps_name, double semi_major_metre, double inv_flattening, const char *prime_meridian_name, double prime_meridian_offset, const char *angular_units, double angular_units_conv, const char *linear_units, double linear_units_conv)

Create a GeodeticCRS of geocentric type.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • datum_name -- Name of the GeodeticReferenceFrame. Or NULL

  • ellps_name -- Name of the Ellipsoid. Or NULL

  • semi_major_metre -- Ellipsoid semi-major axis, in metres.

  • inv_flattening -- Ellipsoid inverse flattening. Or 0 for a sphere.

  • prime_meridian_name -- Name of the PrimeMeridian. Or NULL

  • prime_meridian_offset -- Offset of the prime meridian, expressed in the specified angular units.

  • angular_units -- Name of the angular units. Or NULL for Degree

  • angular_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the angular unit to radian. Or 0 for Degree if angular_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL

  • linear_units -- Name of the linear units. Or NULL for Metre

  • linear_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the linear unit to metre. Or 0 for Metre if linear_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL


Object of type GeodeticCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_geocentric_crs_from_datum(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const PJ *datum_or_datum_ensemble, const char *linear_units, double linear_units_conv)

Create a GeodeticCRS of geocentric type.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • datum_or_datum_ensemble -- Datum or DatumEnsemble (DatumEnsemble possible since 7.2). Must not be NULL.

  • linear_units -- Name of the linear units. Or NULL for Metre

  • linear_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the linear unit to metre. Or 0 for Metre if linear_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL


Object of type GeodeticCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_derived_geographic_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const PJ *base_geographic_crs, const PJ *conversion, const PJ *ellipsoidal_cs)

Create a DerivedGeograhicCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • base_geographic_crs -- Base Geographic CRS. Must not be NULL.

  • conversion -- Conversion from the base Geographic to the DerivedGeograhicCRS. Must not be NULL.

  • ellipsoidal_cs -- Coordinate system. Must not be NULL.


Object of type GeodeticCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

int proj_is_derived_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs)

Return whether a CRS is a Derived CRS.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- CRS. Must not be NULL.


whether a CRS is a Derived CRS.

PJ *proj_alter_name(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *name)

Return a copy of the object with its name changed.

Currently, only implemented on CRS objects.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS. Must not be NULL

  • name -- New name. Must not be NULL


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_alter_id(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *auth_name, const char *code)

Return a copy of the object with its identifier changed/set.

Currently, only implemented on CRS objects.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS. Must not be NULL

  • auth_name -- Authority name. Must not be NULL

  • code -- Code. Must not be NULL


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_alter_geodetic_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const PJ *new_geod_crs)

Return a copy of the CRS with its geodetic CRS changed.

Currently, when obj is a GeodeticCRS, it returns a clone of new_geod_crs When obj is a ProjectedCRS, it replaces its base CRS with new_geod_crs. When obj is a CompoundCRS, it replaces the GeodeticCRS part of the horizontal CRS with new_geod_crs. In other cases, it returns a clone of obj.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS. Must not be NULL

  • new_geod_crs -- Object of type GeodeticCRS. Must not be NULL


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_alter_cs_angular_unit(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *angular_units, double angular_units_conv, const char *unit_auth_name, const char *unit_code)

Return a copy of the CRS with its angular units changed.

The CRS must be or contain a GeographicCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS. Must not be NULL

  • angular_units -- Name of the angular units. Or NULL for Degree

  • angular_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the angular unit to radian. Or 0 for Degree if angular_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL

  • unit_auth_name -- Unit authority name. Or NULL.

  • unit_code -- Unit code. Or NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_alter_cs_linear_unit(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *linear_units, double linear_units_conv, const char *unit_auth_name, const char *unit_code)

Return a copy of the CRS with the linear units of its coordinate system changed.

The CRS must be or contain a ProjectedCRS, VerticalCRS or a GeocentricCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type CRS. Must not be NULL

  • linear_units -- Name of the linear units. Or NULL for Metre

  • linear_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the linear unit to metre. Or 0 for Metre if linear_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL

  • unit_auth_name -- Unit authority name. Or NULL.

  • unit_code -- Unit code. Or NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_alter_parameters_linear_unit(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *obj, const char *linear_units, double linear_units_conv, const char *unit_auth_name, const char *unit_code, int convert_to_new_unit)

Return a copy of the CRS with the linear units of the parameters of its conversion modified.

The CRS must be or contain a ProjectedCRS, VerticalCRS or a GeocentricCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • obj -- Object of type ProjectedCRS. Must not be NULL

  • linear_units -- Name of the linear units. Or NULL for Metre

  • linear_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the linear unit to metre. Or 0 for Metre if linear_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL

  • unit_auth_name -- Unit authority name. Or NULL.

  • unit_code -- Unit code. Or NULL.

  • convert_to_new_unit -- TRUE if existing values should be converted from their current unit to the new unit. If FALSE, their value will be left unchanged and the unit overridden (so the resulting CRS will not be equivalent to the original one for reprojection purposes).


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_promote_to_3D(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_3D_name, const PJ *crs_2D)

Create a 3D CRS from an existing 2D CRS.

The new axis will be ellipsoidal height, oriented upwards, and with metre units.

See osgeo::proj::crs::CRS::promoteTo3D().

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_3D_name -- CRS name. Or NULL (in which case the name of crs_2D will be used)

  • crs_2D -- 2D CRS to be "promoted" to 3D. Must not be NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_create_projected_3D_crs_from_2D(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const PJ *projected_2D_crs, const PJ *geog_3D_crs)

Create a projected 3D CRS from an existing projected 2D CRS.

The passed projected_2D_crs is used so that its name is replaced by crs_name and its base geographic CRS is replaced by geog_3D_crs. The vertical axis of geog_3D_crs (ellipsoidal height) will be added as the 3rd axis of the resulting projected 3D CRS. Normally, the passed geog_3D_crs should be the 3D counterpart of the original 2D base geographic CRS of projected_2D_crs, but such no check is done.

It is also possible to invoke this function with a NULL geog_3D_crs. In which case, the existing base geographic 2D CRS of projected_2D_crs will be automatically promoted to 3D by assuming a 3rd axis being an ellipsoidal height, oriented upwards, and with metre units. This is equivalent to using proj_crs_promote_to_3D().

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- CRS name. Or NULL (in which case the name of projected_2D_crs will be used)

  • projected_2D_crs -- Projected 2D CRS to be "promoted" to 3D. Must not be NULL.

  • geog_3D_crs -- Base geographic 3D CRS for the new CRS. May be NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_demote_to_2D(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_2D_name, const PJ *crs_3D)

Create a 2D CRS from an existing 3D CRS.

See osgeo::proj::crs::CRS::demoteTo2D().

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_2D_name -- CRS name. Or NULL (in which case the name of crs_3D will be used)

  • crs_3D -- 3D CRS to be "demoted" to 2D. Must not be NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_engineering_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crsName)

Instantiate a EngineeringCRS with just a name.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- CRS name. Or NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_vertical_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const char *datum_name, const char *linear_units, double linear_units_conv)

Create a VerticalCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • datum_name -- Name of the VerticalReferenceFrame. Or NULL

  • linear_units -- Name of the linear units. Or NULL for Metre

  • linear_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the linear unit to metre. Or 0 for Metre if linear_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL


Object of type VerticalCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_vertical_crs_ex(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const char *datum_name, const char *datum_auth_name, const char *datum_code, const char *linear_units, double linear_units_conv, const char *geoid_model_name, const char *geoid_model_auth_name, const char *geoid_model_code, const PJ *geoid_geog_crs, const char *const *options)

Create a VerticalCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

This is an extended (_ex) version of proj_create_vertical_crs() that adds the capability of defining a geoid model.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • datum_name -- Name of the VerticalReferenceFrame. Or NULL

  • datum_auth_name -- Authority name of the VerticalReferenceFrame. Or NULL

  • datum_code -- Code of the VerticalReferenceFrame. Or NULL

  • linear_units -- Name of the linear units. Or NULL for Metre

  • linear_units_conv -- Conversion factor from the linear unit to metre. Or 0 for Metre if linear_units == NULL. Otherwise should be not NULL

  • geoid_model_name -- Geoid model name, or NULL. Can be a name from the geoid_model name or a string "PROJ foo.gtx"

  • geoid_model_auth_name -- Authority name of the transformation for the geoid model. or NULL

  • geoid_model_code -- Code of the transformation for the geoid model. or NULL

  • geoid_geog_crs -- Geographic CRS for the geoid transformation, or NULL.

  • options -- NULL-terminated list of strings with "KEY=VALUE" format. or NULL. The currently recognized option is ACCURACY=value, where value is in metre.


Object of type VerticalCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_compound_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const PJ *horiz_crs, const PJ *vert_crs)

Create a CompoundCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- Name of the GeographicCRS. Or NULL

  • horiz_crs -- Horizontal CRS. must not be NULL.

  • vert_crs -- Vertical CRS. must not be NULL.


Object of type CompoundCRS that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_conversion(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *name, const char *auth_name, const char *code, const char *method_name, const char *method_auth_name, const char *method_code, int param_count, const PJ_PARAM_DESCRIPTION *params)

Instantiate a Conversion.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • name -- Conversion name. Or NULL.

  • auth_name -- Conversion authority name. Or NULL.

  • code -- Conversion code. Or NULL.

  • method_name -- Method name. Or NULL.

  • method_auth_name -- Method authority name. Or NULL.

  • method_code -- Method code. Or NULL.

  • param_count -- Number of parameters (size of params argument)

  • params -- Parameter descriptions (array of size param_count)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_transformation(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *name, const char *auth_name, const char *code, const PJ *source_crs, const PJ *target_crs, const PJ *interpolation_crs, const char *method_name, const char *method_auth_name, const char *method_code, int param_count, const PJ_PARAM_DESCRIPTION *params, double accuracy)

Instantiate a Transformation.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • name -- Transformation name. Or NULL.

  • auth_name -- Transformation authority name. Or NULL.

  • code -- Transformation code. Or NULL.

  • source_crs -- Object of type CRS representing the source CRS. Must not be NULL.

  • target_crs -- Object of type CRS representing the target CRS. Must not be NULL.

  • interpolation_crs -- Object of type CRS representing the interpolation CRS. Or NULL.

  • method_name -- Method name. Or NULL.

  • method_auth_name -- Method authority name. Or NULL.

  • method_code -- Method code. Or NULL.

  • param_count -- Number of parameters (size of params argument)

  • params -- Parameter descriptions (array of size param_count)

  • accuracy -- Accuracy of the transformation in meters. A negative values means unknown.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_convert_conversion_to_other_method(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *conversion, int new_method_epsg_code, const char *new_method_name)

Return an equivalent projection.

Currently implemented:





  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • conversion -- Object of type Conversion. Must not be NULL.

  • new_method_epsg_code -- EPSG code of the target method. Or 0 (in which case new_method_name must be specified).

  • new_method_name -- EPSG or PROJ target method name. Or nullptr (in which case new_method_epsg_code must be specified).


new conversion that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_projected_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const char *crs_name, const PJ *geodetic_crs, const PJ *conversion, const PJ *coordinate_system)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs_name -- CRS name. Or NULL

  • geodetic_crs -- Base GeodeticCRS. Must not be NULL.

  • conversion -- Conversion. Must not be NULL.

  • coordinate_system -- Cartesian coordinate system. Must not be NULL.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_create_bound_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *base_crs, const PJ *hub_crs, const PJ *transformation)

Returns a BoundCRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • base_crs -- Base CRS (must not be NULL)

  • hub_crs -- Hub CRS (must not be NULL)

  • transformation -- Transformation (must not be NULL)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_create_bound_crs_to_WGS84(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *crs, const char *const *options)

Returns potentially a BoundCRS, with a transformation to EPSG:4326, wrapping this CRS.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.

This is the same as method osgeo::proj::crs::CRS::createBoundCRSToWGS84IfPossible()

  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • crs -- Object of type CRS (must not be NULL)

  • options -- null-terminated list of options, or NULL. Currently supported options are:

    • ALLOW_INTERMEDIATE_CRS=ALWAYS/IF_NO_DIRECT_TRANSFORMATION/NEVER. Defaults to NEVER. When set to ALWAYS/IF_NO_DIRECT_TRANSFORMATION, intermediate CRS may be considered when computing the possible transformations. Slower.


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_crs_create_bound_vertical_crs(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, const PJ *vert_crs, const PJ *hub_geographic_3D_crs, const char *grid_name)

Returns a BoundCRS, with a transformation to a hub geographic 3D crs (use EPSG:4979 for WGS84 for example), using a grid.

The returned object must be unreferenced with proj_destroy() after use. It should be used by at most one thread at a time.



  • ctx -- PROJ context, or NULL for default context

  • vert_crs -- Object of type VerticalCRS (must not be NULL)

  • hub_geographic_3D_crs -- Object of type Geographic 3D CRS (must not be NULL)

  • grid_name -- Grid name (typically a .gtx file)


Object that must be unreferenced with proj_destroy(), or NULL in case of error.

PJ *proj_create_conversion_utm(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, int zone, int north)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a Universal Transverse Mercator conversion.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createUTM().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_transverse_mercator(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Transverse Mercator projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createTransverseMercator().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_gauss_schreiber_transverse_mercator(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Gauss Schreiber Transverse Mercator projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createGaussSchreiberTransverseMercator().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_transverse_mercator_south_oriented(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Transverse Mercator South Orientated projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createTransverseMercatorSouthOriented().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_two_point_equidistant(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_first_point, double longitude_first_point, double latitude_second_point, double longitude_secon_point, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Two Point Equidistant projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createTwoPointEquidistant().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_tunisia_mapping_grid(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Tunisia Mining Grid projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createTunisiaMiningGrid().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).


Replaced by proj_create_conversion_tunisia_mining_grid

PJ *proj_create_conversion_tunisia_mining_grid(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Tunisia Mining Grid projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createTunisiaMiningGrid().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).



PJ *proj_create_conversion_albers_equal_area(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_false_origin, double longitude_false_origin, double latitude_first_parallel, double latitude_second_parallel, double easting_false_origin, double northing_false_origin, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Albers Conic Equal Area projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createAlbersEqualArea().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_conic_conformal_1sp(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Conic Conformal 1SP projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertConicConformal_1SP().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_conic_conformal_1sp_variant_b(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_nat_origin, double scale, double latitude_false_origin, double longitude_false_origin, double easting_false_origin, double northing_false_origin, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP Variant B) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertConicConformal_1SP_VariantB().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).



PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_conic_conformal_2sp(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_false_origin, double longitude_false_origin, double latitude_first_parallel, double latitude_second_parallel, double easting_false_origin, double northing_false_origin, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertConicConformal_2SP().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_conic_conformal_2sp_michigan(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_false_origin, double longitude_false_origin, double latitude_first_parallel, double latitude_second_parallel, double easting_false_origin, double northing_false_origin, double ellipsoid_scaling_factor, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP Michigan) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertConicConformal_2SP_Michigan().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_conic_conformal_2sp_belgium(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_false_origin, double longitude_false_origin, double latitude_first_parallel, double latitude_second_parallel, double easting_false_origin, double northing_false_origin, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP Belgium) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertConicConformal_2SP_Belgium().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_azimuthal_equidistant(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_nat_origin, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Modified Azimuthal Equidistant projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createAzimuthalEquidistant().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_guam_projection(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_nat_origin, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Guam Projection projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createGuamProjection().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_bonne(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_nat_origin, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Bonne projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createBonne().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_cylindrical_equal_area_spherical(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_first_parallel, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area (Spherical) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertCylindricalEqualAreaSpherical().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_cylindrical_equal_area(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_first_parallel, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area (ellipsoidal form) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertCylindricalEqualArea().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_cassini_soldner(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Cassini-Soldner projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createCassiniSoldner().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_equidistant_conic(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double latitude_first_parallel, double latitude_second_parallel, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Equidistant Conic projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEquidistantConic().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_eckert_i(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Eckert I projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEckertI().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_eckert_ii(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Eckert II projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEckertII().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_eckert_iii(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Eckert III projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEckertIII().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_eckert_iv(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Eckert IV projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEckertIV().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_eckert_v(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Eckert V projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEckertV().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_eckert_vi(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Eckert VI projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEckertVI().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_equidistant_cylindrical(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_first_parallel, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Equidistant Cylindrical projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEquidistantCylindrical().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_equidistant_cylindrical_spherical(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_first_parallel, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Equidistant Cylindrical (Spherical) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEquidistantCylindricalSpherical().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_gall(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Gall (Stereographic) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createGall().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_goode_homolosine(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Goode Homolosine projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createGoodeHomolosine().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_interrupted_goode_homolosine(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Interrupted Goode Homolosine projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createInterruptedGoodeHomolosine().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_geostationary_satellite_sweep_x(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double height, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Geostationary Satellite View projection method, with the sweep angle axis of the viewing instrument being x.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createGeostationarySatelliteSweepX().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_geostationary_satellite_sweep_y(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double height, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Geostationary Satellite View projection method, with the sweep angle axis of the viewing instrument being y.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createGeostationarySatelliteSweepY().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_gnomonic(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Gnomonic projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createGnomonic().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_hotine_oblique_mercator_variant_a(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_projection_centre, double longitude_projection_centre, double azimuth_initial_line, double angle_from_rectified_to_skrew_grid, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Hotine Oblique Mercator (Variant A) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createHotineObliqueMercatorVariantA().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_hotine_oblique_mercator_variant_b(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_projection_centre, double longitude_projection_centre, double azimuth_initial_line, double angle_from_rectified_to_skrew_grid, double scale, double easting_projection_centre, double northing_projection_centre, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Hotine Oblique Mercator (Variant B) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createHotineObliqueMercatorVariantB().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_hotine_oblique_mercator_two_point_natural_origin(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_projection_centre, double latitude_point1, double longitude_point1, double latitude_point2, double longitude_point2, double scale, double easting_projection_centre, double northing_projection_centre, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Hotine Oblique Mercator Two Point Natural Origin projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createHotineObliqueMercatorTwoPointNaturalOrigin().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_laborde_oblique_mercator(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_projection_centre, double longitude_projection_centre, double azimuth_initial_line, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Laborde Oblique Mercator projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLabordeObliqueMercator().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_international_map_world_polyconic(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double latitude_first_parallel, double latitude_second_parallel, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the International Map of the World Polyconic projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createInternationalMapWorldPolyconic().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_krovak_north_oriented(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_projection_centre, double longitude_of_origin, double colatitude_cone_axis, double latitude_pseudo_standard_parallel, double scale_factor_pseudo_standard_parallel, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Krovak (north oriented) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createKrovakNorthOriented().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_krovak(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_projection_centre, double longitude_of_origin, double colatitude_cone_axis, double latitude_pseudo_standard_parallel, double scale_factor_pseudo_standard_parallel, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Krovak projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createKrovak().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_nat_origin, double longitude_nat_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createLambertAzimuthalEqualArea().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_miller_cylindrical(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Miller Cylindrical projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createMillerCylindrical().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_mercator_variant_a(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Mercator projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createMercatorVariantA().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_mercator_variant_b(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_first_parallel, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Mercator projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createMercatorVariantB().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createPopularVisualisationPseudoMercator().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_mollweide(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Mollweide projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createMollweide().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_new_zealand_mapping_grid(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the New Zealand Map Grid projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createNewZealandMappingGrid().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_oblique_stereographic(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Oblique Stereographic (Alternative) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createObliqueStereographic().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_orthographic(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Orthographic projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createOrthographic().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_american_polyconic(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the American Polyconic projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createAmericanPolyconic().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_polar_stereographic_variant_a(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Polar Stereographic (Variant A) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createPolarStereographicVariantA().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_polar_stereographic_variant_b(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_standard_parallel, double longitude_of_origin, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Polar Stereographic (Variant B) projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createPolarStereographicVariantB().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_robinson(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Robinson projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createRobinson().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_sinusoidal(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Sinusoidal projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createSinusoidal().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_stereographic(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double scale, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Stereographic projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createStereographic().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_van_der_grinten(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Van der Grinten projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createVanDerGrinten().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_wagner_i(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Wagner I projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createWagnerI().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_wagner_ii(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Wagner II projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createWagnerII().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_wagner_iii(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double latitude_true_scale, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Wagner III projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createWagnerIII().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_wagner_iv(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Wagner IV projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createWagnerIV().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_wagner_v(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Wagner V projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createWagnerV().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_wagner_vi(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Wagner VI projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createWagnerVI().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_wagner_vii(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Wagner VII projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createWagnerVII().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_quadrilateralized_spherical_cube(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_lat, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createQuadrilateralizedSphericalCube().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_spherical_cross_track_height(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double peg_point_lat, double peg_point_long, double peg_point_heading, double peg_point_height, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Spherical Cross-Track Height projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createSphericalCrossTrackHeight().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_equal_earth(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double center_long, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a ProjectedCRS with a conversion based on the Equal Earth projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createEqualEarth().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_vertical_perspective(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double topo_origin_lat, double topo_origin_long, double topo_origin_height, double view_point_height, double false_easting, double false_northing, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor, const char *linear_unit_name, double linear_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a conversion based on the Vertical Perspective projection method.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createVerticalPerspective().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).



PJ *proj_create_conversion_pole_rotation_grib_convention(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double south_pole_lat_in_unrotated_crs, double south_pole_long_in_unrotated_crs, double axis_rotation, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a conversion based on the Pole Rotation method, using the conventions of the GRIB 1 and GRIB 2 data formats.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createPoleRotationGRIBConvention().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).

PJ *proj_create_conversion_pole_rotation_netcdf_cf_convention(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, double grid_north_pole_latitude, double grid_north_pole_longitude, double north_pole_grid_longitude, const char *ang_unit_name, double ang_unit_conv_factor)

Instantiate a conversion based on the Pole Rotation method, using the conventions of the netCDF CF convention for the netCDF format.

See osgeo::proj::operation::Conversion::createPoleRotationNetCDFCFConvention().

Linear parameters are expressed in (linear_unit_name, linear_unit_conv_factor). Angular parameters are expressed in (ang_unit_name, ang_unit_conv_factor).