The UTM projection

In this exercise we will learn how to define a simple projection using PROJ. We will investigate a few aspects of the UTM projection, as well as learn how to use a different ellipsoid than the default (GRS80).

Download the gie file for the exercise: projections1.gie.

Exercise 1: Setting up a projection

Set up a UTM projection for use in Estonia.


See Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) for more on the projection

operation   <your answer here>
tolerance   1 cm

accept      24.745          59.437       # Talinn, Estonia
expect      372106.37       6590881.40

Exercise 2: UTM on the southern hemisphere

Set up a UTM projection for use on the North Island of New Zealand.


See Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) for more on the projection

operation   <your answer here>
tolerance   1 cm

accept      174.740        -36.841      # Auckland, New Zealand
expect      298481.34       5920382.04

Exercise 3: Using a non-standard ellipsoid

Set up a UTM projection based on the Hayford ellipsoid for use in Estonia.


See Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) for more on the projection


Run proj -le to get a list of available ellipsoids

operation   <your answer here>
tolerance   1 cm

accept      24.745          59.437       # Talinn, Estonia
expect      372099.99       6591034.35