Equal Earth

New in version 5.2.0.


Pseudo cylindrical

Available forms

Forward and inverse, spherical and ellipsoidal projection

Defined area






Input type

Geodetic coordinates

Output type

Projected coordinates

Equal Earth

proj-string: +proj=eqearth

The Equal Earth projection is intended for making world maps. Equal Earth is a projection inspired by the Robinson projection, but unlike the Robinson projection retains the relative size of areas. The projection was designed in 2018 by Bojan Savric, Tom Patterson and Bernhard Jenny [Savric2018].


The Equal Earth projection has no special options. Here is an example of an forward projection on a sphere with a radius of 1 m:

$ echo 122 47 | src/proj +proj=eqearth +R=1
1.55    0.89



All parameters for the projection are optional.


Longitude of projection center.

Defaults to 0.0.


The default convention is to interpret this value as decimal degrees. To specify radians instead, follow the value with the "r" character.

Example: +lon_0=1.570796r

See Projection Units for more information.


The name of a built-in ellipsoid definition.

See Ellipsoids for more information, or execute proj -le for a list of built-in ellipsoid names.

Defaults to "GRS80".


Radius of the sphere, given in meters. If used in conjunction with +ellps, +R takes precedence.

See Ellipsoid size parameters for more information.


False easting.

Defaults to 0.0.


False northing.

Defaults to 0.0.

Further reading

  1. Bojan Savric, Tom Patterson & Bernhard Jenny (2018). The Equal Earth map projection, International Journal of Geographical Information Science